Friday, April 20, 2012

The Story...Nea's Point of Veiw

This blog is about a couple girls and there middle school catty drama. For privacy reasons the names have been changed. Let me just warn you there are plenty of princesses to this fairy-tale.

Once upon a time, there were 3 best friends. There was a girl named Carlee and she was best friends with a girl new to the kingdom. My name is Linnea A. Her nickname Nea. Now I met another girl named Linnea. Oh how we giggled when the found this out. Anyhow, us three girls became bestest friends. We would gossip hang out and just talk.Then when summer rolled around, I had dance almost everyday! So, Carlee would ALWAYS hang out with Linnea. I found out and got super jealous. So I decided to call Carlee one summer evening.

"What are you doing tonight?" I asked with a devious smile.
"Umm actually nothing. Wanna hang?"
"Yea!! Umm... Hold on I'm going to go ask my mom..."
A few minutes later I came back saying,
"She said Yes!! So I'll be over there in 30 min."
"Text me!!" I said excitedly.

I got ready so fast! Then I left for Carlee's house with my mom. When she got there, Carlee was sitting there grinning.

"Hey Car!!"
"Hey Nea!!"
They hugged.

After a few hours they got bored. And the first thing out of Carlee's mouth was;
"Should we invite someone over?"
I knew who she was talking about but didn't want to be rude so she said with a fake smile;
"Yea. Sure"
They called 3 people then Linnea. I didn't show it, but I was frustrated.
I guess Carlee picked up on it. She was mad.

I don't remember anything else we did that night. But now Carlee and I are fighting.

Keep You All Posted
Your best friend fornenver;)

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